Making the best professional diagnosis available for all life

The way we look at things is changing

To enable change, it must be made easy. Not only have the Ocus scanners been made so they remove barriers to change, but the whole ethos of Grundium is to be an enabler. We understand there are things in place, which may feel difficult to get around – some of them technical, others more about exchanging information and building trust.

Reliable, competent, and helpful team

This is what Ben Cahoon, CEO of Techcyte, a leading provider of AI solutions for clinical pathology, says about Grundium:

Not only has Grundium created something unique in the market with your beautifully designed small-footprint scanner, but you also have a super technical team that can work really close together to make the whole solution seamless and is willing to invest themselves in making something new. It’s super unique in the world to have everything from the region of interest, focus layers, depth of field and the whole experience totally integrated.


The Grundium API is JSON-RPC based function calls carried over HTTPS The library provides a C/C++ interface for calling functions The library runs all authentication and HTTP traffic Basically, the library provides a function called GSAPI_Call(), with the method name and parameters as input, returning output values

Integration and optimization

The Grundium API is a set of software tools enabling any company, service provider or health system easily integrate Ocus scanners in their laboratory information system, patient data management system, or other system or process. Grundium has an API library available to make this easy from the start. The Ocus scanners are compatible with e.g. the Leica Aperio or Philips Intellisite systems, but thanks to the API, they can be integrated in any other system as well.

API graph

Export or stream scanned images

In addition to just making the scanner a part of an existing LIS, it can be used to create fully automated systems, where one or any number of Ocus scanners are the imaging component. The high-quality scanned images can be exported stitched and completed for expert analysis from the scanner to anywhere in the world, within the customer LIS or securely even to any email, external server, or online location.

Revolutionary streaming of scanned images

Especially useful and practical in time-critical use cases or combined with an AI component, image content can be streamed out at the rate of it being scanned! This feature enables AI analysis to start while still completing the scan, feeding the same high-quality stitched images for either AI processing or human visual analysis within minutes from sample preparation. This model decreases the process time dramatically! Grundium provides the API and library for custom solutions at request.

AI compatible

A great example of the Ocus scanner used for remote centralized diagnosis is the Zoetis Imagyst solution for veterinary clinics, enabling a lab tech to easily prepare and scan a fecal sample and get AI-generated diagnosis for parasites in just 10 minutes.

The Grundium Support team of experts in IT systems and data security is ready to design and help guide the process for a custom fitting solution from start to finish and beyond.

Contact us for personal service

Are you looking for an easy imaging solution for your pathology system? Or are you interested in practical whole slide imaging scanners to make your lab get results faster and easier?

Get in touch with us to discuss options.

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