Viable organs are recovered so lives can be saved. A Grundium Ocus® scanner travels with the OPO team.

After an accident or with an acute medical condition, a patient is rushed to the hospital. If the doctors determine the patient’s life can’t be saved and proper organ donor consent has been provided, OPO coordinators begin the process to recover viable organs so lives can be saved. A single organ donor can save up to eight lives. Says CEO W. Scott Rombach of Specialist Direct, “Determining if organs are suitable for transplant through diagnostics in a critical part of the organ recovery process. Specialist Direct provides OPO solutions that improve the speed and accuracy of these diagnostics to help save lives.”

OPOs are continuously improving upon industry standards and formulating best practices. For example, having access to the right team of medical specialists as well as repeatable, consistent processes is critical in maximizing organ recovery rates. “Through Specialist Direct, OPOs now have access to a suite of cloud-based services that provide real-time access to top cardiologists, pathologists, and radiologists 24/7/365,” added Rombach.

For pathology cases, OPO teams are carrying Grundium Ocus® microscope scanners with them to local hospitals. The Ocus is small enough to fit in carry-on luggage and quick and easy to set up. Within the hospitals, liver and kidneys are biopsied and frozen section slides are prepared and then scanned with the Ocus scanner. As part of the scanning process, images are automatically sent to the Specialist Direct platform so its pathologists and subspecialists with transplant case experience can determine if an organ is suitable for transplant. OPOs no longer need to spend time couriering slides for pathology interpretations. Furthermore, images scanned by the Ocus are shared in real-time through Specialist Direct technology with transplant surgeons via their smart phones prior to surgery. The Ocus delivers all the benefits of digital pathology for OPOs, making their workflow completely streamlined. The ability to have a centralized system for diagnosis makes the whole process faster and greatly improves the accuracy of organ biopsy interpretations. More and more OPOs are building their own organ recovery centers and surgery centers to further improve and control the speed and consistency of the organ diagnostic process. Says Rombach, “One of the things I very much admire about OPOs is their willingness to improve processes to save lives. For example, OPOs are increasing organ recovery rates by more aggressively pursuing donation after cardiac death (DCD) cases as well as embracing technology that facilitates best practices. I expect these trends to continue.”

The Grundium Ocus® makes a big difference for the OPOs. Its portability and connectivity combined with the high image quality make it a reliable precision instrument in OPOs fast-paced and ever mobile work. Its price point puts the Ocus within reach for all. Specialist Direct is Grundium’s partner for the OPO market.

Contact Grundium for a personal demo of the world’s most practical and integrable microscope scanners, the Ocus® series:


Davide D'Incau

Sales Director

About Grundium

A global leader in advanced imaging technology, Grundium makes digital pathology and best professional diagnosis available for all life – whether human, animal, plant or other. This is achieved by doing something that nobody else can: applying state-of-the-art mobile technology in digital pathology. Established in 2015 by ex-Nokia engineers, the Tampere-based company is democratizing digital pathology with the Ocus® microscope scanners. The cutting-edge imaging solutions are based on over 20 years of experience in optics, sensors and beautiful high-precision devices. Grundium serves various industries and businesses enhancing quality and processes, protecting human life and safeguarding a clean environment.
It is invaluable to be able to ask more experienced colleagues for their opinion and the Ocus would enable me to do it in a matter of minutes from my home office. This is approximately the time it would take me to visit a colleague in the office next-door, only now, I can invite more people from different locations for this digital review at the same time from any location.
— Dr. Alexandra Zuraw
The Digital Pathology Place 

Book a live demo

See the OCUS® portable digital microscope scanner in action – request your free personal online live demo now. A Grundium expert will contact you personally to schedule a suitable 30-minute demo time for you. In the demo we will answer all your questions about which Ocus® scanner fits your needs best, we will talk pricing, share stories about how others are using the scanners, and help you fast forward the digital pathology experience in your lab.

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